Information Technology Consulting
 Web Design, Security and Success Tracking
  596 MacLaren Street
Ottawa, Ontario
613 - 863 - 3639

Privacy Policies

Is your personal information protected?

Find out how you are traced on the Internet:

How well are you protecting the personal information you are gathering from transactions?

In Canada, the guidelines for your Privacy Policy statement are incorporated into the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

Canadian Standards Association's Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information (Q830) sets out ten principles that balance the privacy rights of individuals and the information requirements of private organizations.

Other international resources:

List of Canadian, U.S. and International Privacy websites:

U.S. Online Privacy Alliance for Businesses

In France CNIL is an independent administrative authority protecting privacy and personal data.

  privacy statement   terms and conditions      Last updated  30 Dec 2007    © Copyright Pierre Lemasson Inc. 2006-2007   email the webmaster